
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
11 tháng 9 2023

A. Dave felts amused when he played prank on his sister and felt guilty after seeing his sister get over from it. (Dave cảm thấy thích thú khi chơi khăm chị của cậu ấy và hối hận sau khi thấy chị ấy khó khăn vượt qua nó.)

B. Dave’s big sister felt angry when she knew his prank and frightened when she saw the fake spider.

(Chị cả của Dave cảm thấy tức giận khi biết trò khăm của cậu ta và thấy kinh hãi khi thấy con nhện giả.)

C. Kate felt anxious when she gave his brother the card and felt pleased when his brother’s crush agreed to go out with him.

(Kate cảm thấy lo lắng khi cô ấy đưa anh trai tấm thiệp và cảm thấy vui mừng khi người anh trai thích đồng ý đi chơi với cậu ấy.)

D. Kate's brother felt angry when he found out the girl didn’t send him the card and felt pleased when she agreed to go out with him.

(Anh trai của Kate đã tức giận khi tìm ra cô gái đó không gửi anh tấm thiếp và cảm thấy vui mừng khi cô ấy đồng ý đi chơi với anh.)

11 tháng 9 2023

 1. since, as (bởi vì)

 2. rather than (thay vì)

 3. unless there is

(nếu không có)

 4. so (vậy nên)

2. Read the Speaking Strategy and the task below. Think of three nouns and three adjectives that you could use in your answer.(Đọc Chiến thuật Nói và đề bài bên dưới. Suy nghĩ ra 3 danh từ và 3 tính từ mà bạn có thể sử dụng trong câu trả lời của bạn.)Speaking StrategyIn the exam, (Trong bài thi,)- read the task in one minute and look carefully at the visuals; (Đọc đề bài trong một phút và nhìn kĩ các bức tranh;)- write a framework as a guide for you...
Đọc tiếp

2. Read the Speaking Strategy and the task below. Think of three nouns and three adjectives that you could use in your answer.

(Đọc Chiến thuật Nói và đề bài bên dưới. Suy nghĩ ra 3 danh từ và 3 tính từ mà bạn có thể sử dụng trong câu trả lời của bạn.)

Speaking Strategy

In the exam, (Trong bài thi,)

- read the task in one minute and look carefully at the visuals; (Đọc đề bài trong một phút và nhìn kĩ các bức tranh;)

- write a framework as a guide for you and your partner to follow (talk about the genres available: what you choose and why: where and when you go); (viết dàn ý như một hướng dẫn để bạn và người đồng hành có thể bám theo (nói về những thể loại hiện có, cái bạn chọn và tại sao, khi nào bạn đi và ở đâu);)

- identify key words and phrases that you could use in the conversation. (nhận diện các từ và cụm từ khóa bạn có thể dùng trong bài hội thoại.)

- cooperate with your partner. (hợp tác với người đồng hành của bạn.)

Your British friend is coming to visit you and you are proposing to take him/ her to the cinema. Decide together which of the films in the posters you will see, where and when to meet, and whether to invite any other people.

(Người bạn Anh Quốc của bạn sẽ đến thăm bạn và bạn dự định sẽ dẫn cậu ấy/ cô ấy đến rạp chiếu phim. Cùng nhau quyết định xem bộ phim nào trên các áp phích bạn sẽ xem, gặp nhau ở đâu và khi vào, và liệu có mời ai khác không.)


11 tháng 9 2023

Nouns: film, cinema, evening (Danh từ: phim, rạp chiếu phim, buổi tối)

Adjectives: funny, horror, romantic (Tính từ: vui vẻ, kinh dị, lãng mạn)

4. Read the Writing Strategy. Then answer the questions.(Đọc Chiến thuật Viết. Sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi.)When you write a letter to a friend or relative: (Khi bạn viết thư cho bạn bè hay họ hàng:)Start with: Dear [Jake], (Bắt đầu với: Gửi [Jake],)Begin the main part of the letter with a short introduction. You can use phrases like: How are you? Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Thanks for your letter. (Bắt đầu phần chính của bức thu với một đoạn...
Đọc tiếp

4. Read the Writing Strategy. Then answer the questions.

(Đọc Chiến thuật Viết. Sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi.)

When you write a letter to a friend or relative: (Khi bạn viết thư cho bạn bè hay họ hàng:)

Start with: Dear [Jake], (Bắt đầu với: Gửi [Jake],)

Begin the main part of the letter with a short introduction. You can use phrases like: How are you? Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Thanks for your letter. (Bắt đầu phần chính của bức thu với một đoạn giới thiệu ngắn. Bạn có thể dùng các cụm từ như: Bạn khỏe không? Xin lỗi vì không phản hồi sớm hơn. Cám ơn vì bức thư của bạn.)

Write in paragraphs. (Viết thành các đoạn.)

Do not use very formal language in your letter. (Đừng dùng ngôn ngữ trang trọng trong bức thư của bạn.)

Use contractions (it's, there's, etc). (Sử dụng các cụm viết tắt.)

Finish the main part of the letter with a short paragraph. You can use phrases like: That's all for now. I'd better go now. Write again soon. (Hoàn thành phần chính với một đoạn ngắn. Bạn có thể sử dụng các cụm như: Đến lúc ngừng bút rồi. Mình phải đi đây. Viết thư cho cậu sau.)

End the letter with Love, or Best wishes, and your first name. (Kết thúc bức thư bằng Love, Best wishes, và tên của bạn.)

1. What phrase(s) does Andy include in his introduction? (Những cụm từ nào Andy sử dụng trong phần giới thiệu?)

2. How many paragraphs does he write? (Cậu ấy viết bao nhiêu đoạn?)

3. Does he use any very formal language? (Cậu ấy có dùng ngôn ngữ trang trọng không?)

4. What contractions does he use? (Cậu ấy có sử dụng từ viết tắt không?)

5. What phrase(s) does Andy include in the final paragraph? (Những cụm từ nào Andy sử dụng trong đoạn cuối?)


11 tháng 9 2023

1. Thanks for your letter; Sorry I didn’t reply sooner. (Cám ơn bức thư của cậu và xin lỗi vì mình không phản hồi sớm hơn.)

2. He wrote six paragraphs. (Cậu ấy viết 6 đoạn.)

3. no (không)

4. didn’t, isn’t, They’re 

5. I’d better go now. (Mình phải đi đây.)

1: Thanks for your letter. Sorry, I didn't reply sooner

2: He wrote six paragraphs

3: No

4: didn’t, isn’t, They’re 

5: I’d better go now.

3. Read the text again. Match the questions below with paragraphs A-E of the text. (Đọc bài khóa một lần nữa. Nối các câu hỏi bên dưới với các đoạn văn (A – E).)In which paragraph does the writer tell us …1. when doctors realised Ashlyn had a medical problem?2. what causes her condition?3. what happened when she burned her hands?4. why some people die from this condition?5. how school life for Ashlyn was unusual?A life without painA. All children hurt themselves from time...
Đọc tiếp

3. Read the text again. Match the questions below with paragraphs A-E of the text. 

(Đọc bài khóa một lần nữa. Nối các câu hỏi bên dưới với các đoạn văn (A – E).)

In which paragraph does the writer tell us …

1. when doctors realised Ashlyn had a medical problem?

2. what causes her condition?

3. what happened when she burned her hands?

4. why some people die from this condition?

5. how school life for Ashlyn was unusual?

A life without pain

A. All children hurt themselves from time to time. But when thirteen-year-old Ashlyn Blocker gets injured, she doesn't realise it. Once, when she burned herself, she only knew about it when she looked at her skin. 

B. There was always something different about Ashlyn. As a baby, she didn't cry. When she was eight months old, her parents noticed there was some blood in her eye, so they took her to see a doctor. The doctor found a serious cut in her eye and was shocked. Why didn't the baby cry? Tests showed that Ashlyn had a very unusual medical condition: she couldn't feel any pain. 

C. This condition is very rare: many people who have it die of it. Pain is a natural warning that you're ill or injured. People who can't feel pain lust don't realise they're in danger. 

D. The first few years of Ashlyn's life were very difficult. She often tripped and injured herself. Once, she broke her ankle but she didn't stop running. During school breaks, one teacher watched Ashlyn all the time in the playground and they had to search for cuts. bruises or other injuries.

E. When she was five, Ashlyn's story appeared in newspapers and on TV. Scientists studied her condition and found she has a genetic disorder that means pain signals do not reach her brain. Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no hope of a cure. And, as Ashlyn knows, a life without pain is both difficult and dangerous.

7 tháng 2 2023






Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
11 tháng 9 2023

In which paragraph does the writer tell us … (Trong đoạn văn nào mà tác giả nói về…)

1. B

when doctors realised Ashlyn had a medical problem? (khi các bác sỹ nhận ra Ashlyn có vấn đề bệnh lý?)

Thông tin: Tests showed that Ashlyn had a very unusual medical condition: she couldn't feel any pain. 

(Các bài kiểm tra đã cho thấy Ashlyn có một tình trạng bệnh lý: cô ấy không thể cảm nhận bất kỳ sự đau đớn nào.)

2. E

what causes her condition? (điều gì gây ra căn bệnh của cô ấy?)

Thông tin: Scientists studied her condition and found she has a genetic disorder that means pain signals do not reach her brain. (Các nhà khoa học nghiên cứu tình trạng của cô ấy và phát hiện ra cô ấy có một loại bệnh di truyền mà những tín hiệu đau đớn không đến được não của cô ấy.)

3. A

what happened when she burned her hands? (điều gì đã xảy ra khi cô ấy làm bỏng tay?)

Thông tin: Once, when she burned herself, she only knew about it when she looked at her skin. (Trong một lần cô ấy làm bỏng chính mình, cô chỉ biết khi cô nhìn vào da của mình.)

4. C

why some people die from this condition? (tại sao có người chết vì tình trạng này?)

Thông tin: People who can't feel pain lust don't realise they're in danger. (Những người không thể nhận ra cơn đau chỉ không nhận ra họ đang gặp nguy hiểm.)

5. D

how school life for Ashlyn was unusual? (cuộc sống trên trường của Ashlyn bất thường như thế nào?)

Thông tin: During school breaks, one teacher watched Ashlyn all the time in the playground and they had to search for cuts. bruises or other injuries. (Những lúc giải lao ở trường, một giáo viên quan sát Ashlyn mọi lúc ở sân chơi và họ phải tìm kiếm những vết cắt, vết bầm hoặc những vết thương khác.)

Exercise 1: In each group, there is one sentence that is NOT right. Write "X" beside the WRONG sentence. 1. a.... The children are excited about thier new clothes. b.... The children are exciting about thier new clothes. c.... The new clothes are exciting to the children. d.... Wearing new clothes is always exciting. 2. a.... They were tired from walking a long way. b.... Walking a long way tired them. c.... Walking a long way was tiring. d.... They were tiring from walking a long...
Đọc tiếp

Exercise 1: In each group, there is one sentence that is NOT right. Write "X" beside the WRONG sentence.

1. a.... The children are excited about thier new clothes.

b.... The children are exciting about thier new clothes.

c.... The new clothes are exciting to the children.

d.... Wearing new clothes is always exciting.

2. a.... They were tired from walking a long way.

b.... Walking a long way tired them.

c.... Walking a long way was tiring.

d.... They were tiring from walking a long way.

3. a.... His ideas fascinate me.

b.... His ideas are fascinating to me.

c....His ideas fascinated to me.

d.... I'm fascinated by his ideas.

4. a... The horror movie is frightened.

b.... The horror movie is frightening.

c.... We are frightened by the horror movie.

d.... The horror movie frightens us.

5. a.... His explanation was confusing.

b. .... His explanation confused me.

c.... I was confused about his explanation.

d.... I was confusing about his explanation.

6. a.... His jokes are amused to her.

b.... His jokes are amusing to her.

c.... His jokes amuse her.

d.... She is amused by his jokes.

7. a.... We were disappointed with the results.

b.... We were disappointing with the results.

c.... The results were disappointing.

d.... The results were disappointed us.

8. a.... They were worried about the news.

b.... They new was worrying.

c.... They new worried them.

d.... They new was worried.

Exercise 2: complete each sentence by choosing a word from the box

amusing/ amused

boring / bore

confusing / confused dissappointing / dissappointed
embarrassing / embarrassed exciting / excited
interesting / interested pleasing / pleased
shocking / shocked surprising / surprised

1. I asked Derek if he wanted to go to the movies with us, but he wasn't ....

2. I[t's sometimes ... when you have to as[k people for money.

3. The lecture was so ... that most of the students fell asleep.

4. The bos was so ... with Jeffs work that he promised him a promotion.

5. We were ... in the movie. It was not as good as we'd expected.

6. It was quite ... that he pased the exam. I could hardly believe iy.

7. The comedion's performance was ... . He made the audience laugh all the time.

8. Everybody was ... because the lectures đin't explain the problem clearly.

9. The news was .... All pf us really felt sorry for the victims off the disaster.

10. Monica is starting a neww job toorrow. She's very .... about it.


A: soap opera

B: action film

C: animation

D: talent show

1. Operation Stargate was the name of a secret spying operation that was run by the Pentagon in the United States for over 20 years. The aim of the operation was to (1) ............... the possibility of using mind readers, clairvoyants and astrologers to help with spying operations. The pentagon employed six of these psychic people, and the experiments were held at a secret military base in Maryland. Put in special rooms, the psychics were asked to concentrate on particular spting operations....
Đọc tiếp

1. Operation Stargate was the name of a secret spying operation that was run by the Pentagon in the United States for over 20 years. The aim of the operation was to (1) ............... the possibility of using mind readers, clairvoyants and astrologers to help with spying operations. The pentagon employed six of these psychic people, and the experiments were held at a secret military base in Maryland. Put in special rooms, the psychics were asked to concentrate on particular spting operations. By using a technique called 'remote viewing', they were asked to (2) ............... solutions to specific problems. The team had a limited number of successes. They were able to give (3) ............... of the layout of the building where American diplomats were held hostages in 1979, and on another occasion they assisted Customs officials by describing exactly where a drug dealer could be found. When a US diplomat was kidnapped in Italy, they described the town he was in and in addition said exactly what the building looked like. (4) ..............., they had many more failures than successes. In the end, the government ordered the CIA to take over the mission. The team was then examined by a group of experts, who were not (5) ............... by the results. They decided that (6) ............... the psychics had been right a few times, this had probably just happened by (7) ............... At other times, they were probably repeating information that they had (8) ............... in newspapers orr magazines. The military authorities now have the (9) ............ task of explaining to (10) ......... they wasted $ 20 million on the project.

1- A. look through B. look down on C. look up D. look into

2- A. come into B. come up with C. come across D. come up agianst

3- A. description B. definition C. plan D. details

4- A. But B. Yet C. Although D. However

5- A. impressive B. impressing C. impressed D. impression

6- A. despite B. although C. in spite of D. besides

7- A. chance B. possibility C. occasion D. opportunity

8- A. come into B. come round C.come across D. come up against

9- A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrassment D. embarrass

10- A. critical B. criticize C. criticism D. critics

2, Điền từ vào chỗ trống:

curious, fold, illness, misbehaved, gestures, touched, opportunity, refused, manners, lonely

When Helen Keller was a baby, she had a fever. After her (1) ...... she became blind, deaf and dumb. It was the beginning of a (2) ...... life. No one could understand Helen and she couldn't see, hear or talk to people. As she grew older, she was (3) ....... to know what was going on around her. She (4)....... the lips of others when they spoke but she could not understand them. No one could understand Helen's (5)........ This made her very angry and she often kicked and screamed until she was very tired. Doctors couldn't help Helen. Her parents became exasperated when they couldn't find a teacher for her. It looked as though Helen would never have an (6)...... to learn. Things changed when Annie Sullivan decided to take up the challenge to teach Helen. During Annie's first breakfast with the Kellers, Helen (7)........ She grabbed other people's food off their plates and (8)....... to use a spoon. Annie took almost 2 hours to teach Helen how to (9).......... her napkin and eat properly. During that time, Helen lost her temper, but Annie was determined to teach naughty Helen table (10)...... Amazingly, Helen soon learned many things through the careful guidance of Annie Sullivan, her mentor.

3. Viết lại câu:

In Whales we saw Edward II'S birthplace.

In Whales we saw the castle ....................

1. Operation Stargate was the name of a secret spying operation that was run by the Pentagon in the United States for over 20 years. The aim of the operation was to (1) ............... the possibility of using mind readers, clairvoyants and astrologers to help with spying operations. The pentagon employed six of these psychic people, and the experiments were held at a secret military base in Maryland. Put in special rooms, the psychics were asked to concentrate on particular spting operations....
Đọc tiếp

1. Operation Stargate was the name of a secret spying operation that was run by the Pentagon in the United States for over 20 years. The aim of the operation was to (1) ............... the possibility of using mind readers, clairvoyants and astrologers to help with spying operations. The pentagon employed six of these psychic people, and the experiments were held at a secret military base in Maryland. Put in special rooms, the psychics were asked to concentrate on particular spting operations. By using a technique called 'remote viewing', they were asked to (2) ............... solutions to specific problems. The team had a limited number of successes. They were able to give (3) ............... of the layout of the building where American diplomats were held hostages in 1979, and on another occasion they assisted Customs officials by describing exactly where a drug dealer could be found. When a US diplomat was kidnapped in Italy, they described the town he was in and in addition said exactly what the building looked like. (4) ..............., they had many more failures than successes. In the end, the government ordered the CIA to take over the mission. The team was then examined by a group of experts, who were not (5) ............... by the results. They decided that (6) ............... the psychics had been right a few times, this had probably just happened by (7) ............... At other times, they were probably repeating information that they had (8) ............... in newspapers orr magazines. The military authorities now have the (9) ............ task of explaining to (10) ......... they wasted $ 20 million on the project.

1- A. look through B. look down on C. look up D. look into

2- A. come into B. come up with C. come across D. come up agianst

3- A. description B. definition C. plan D. details

4- A. But B. Yet C. Although D. However

5- A. impressive B. impressing C. impressed D. impression

6- A. despite B. although C. in spite of D. besides

7- A. chance B. possibility C. occasion D. opportunity

8- A. come into B. come round C.come across D. come up against

9- A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrassment D. embarrass

10- A. critical B. criticize C. criticism D. critics

2, Điền từ vào chỗ trống:

curious, fold, illness, misbehaved, gestures, touched, opportunity, refused, manners, lonely

When Helen Keller was a baby, she had a fever. After her (1) ...... she became blind, deaf and dumb. It was the beginning of a (2) ...... life. No one could understand Helen and she couldn't see, hear or talk to people. As she grew older, she was (3) ....... to know what was going on around her. She (4)....... the lips of others when they spoke but she could not understand them. No one could understand Helen's (5)........ This made her very angry and she often kicked and screamed until she was very tired. Doctors couldn't help Helen. Her parents became exasperated when they couldn't find a teacher for her. It looked as though Helen would never have an (6)...... to learn. Things changed when Annie Sullivan decided to take up the challenge to teach Helen. During Annie's first breakfast with the Kellers, Helen (7)........ She grabbed other people's food off their plates and (8)....... to use a spoon. Annie took almost 2 hours to teach Helen how to (9).......... her napkin and eat properly. During that time, Helen lost her temper, but Annie was determined to teach naughty Helen table (10)...... Amazingly, Helen soon learned many things through the careful guidance of Annie Sullivan, her mentor.

3. Viết lại câu:

In Whales we saw Edward II'S birthplace.

In Whales we saw the castle ....................

1. Operation Stargate was the name of a secret spying operation that was run by the Pentagon in the United States for over 20 years. The aim of the operation was to (1) ............... the possibility of using mind readers, clairvoyants and astrologers to help with spying operations. The pentagon employed six of these psychic people, and the experiments were held at a secret military base in Maryland. Put in special rooms, the psychics were asked to concentrate on particular spting operations....
Đọc tiếp

1. Operation Stargate was the name of a secret spying operation that was run by the Pentagon in the United States for over 20 years. The aim of the operation was to (1) ............... the possibility of using mind readers, clairvoyants and astrologers to help with spying operations. The pentagon employed six of these psychic people, and the experiments were held at a secret military base in Maryland. Put in special rooms, the psychics were asked to concentrate on particular spting operations. By using a technique called 'remote viewing', they were asked to (2) ............... solutions to specific problems. The team had a limited number of successes. They were able to give (3) ............... of the layout of the building where American diplomats were held hostages in 1979, and on another occasion they assisted Customs officials by describing exactly where a drug dealer could be found. When a US diplomat was kidnapped in Italy, they described the town he was in and in addition said exactly what the building looked like. (4) ..............., they had many more failures than successes. In the end, the government ordered the CIA to take over the mission. The team was then examined by a group of experts, who were not (5) ............... by the results. They decided that (6) ............... the psychics had been right a few times, this had probably just happened by (7) ............... At other times, they were probably repeating information that they had (8) ............... in newspapers orr magazines. The military authorities now have the (9) ............ task of explaining to (10) ......... they wasted $ 20 million on the project.

1- A. look through B. look down on C. look up D. look into

2- A. come into B. come up with C. come across D. come up agianst

3- A. description B. definition C. plan D. details

4- A. But B. Yet C. Although D. However

5- A. impressive B. impressing C. impressed D. impression

6- A. despite B. although C. in spite of D. besides

7- A. chance B. possibility C. occasion D. opportunity

8- A. come into B. come round C.come across D. come up against

9- A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrassment D. embarrass

10- A. critical B. criticize C. criticism D. critics

2, Điền từ vào chỗ trống:

curious, fold, illness, misbehaved, gestures, touched, opportunity, refused, manners, lonely

When Helen Keller was a baby, she had a fever. After her (1) ...... she became blind, deaf and dumb. It was the beginning of a (2) ...... life. No one could understand Helen and she couldn't see, hear or talk to people. As she grew older, she was (3) ....... to know what was going on around her. She (4)....... the lips of others when they spoke but she could not understand them. No one could understand Helen's (5)........ This made her very angry and she often kicked and screamed until she was very tired. Doctors couldn't help Helen. Her parents became exasperated when they couldn't find a teacher for her. It looked as though Helen would never have an (6)...... to learn. Things changed when Annie Sullivan decided to take up the challenge to teach Helen. During Annie's first breakfast with the Kellers, Helen (7)........ She grabbed other people's food off their plates and (8)....... to use a spoon. Annie took almost 2 hours to teach Helen how to (9).......... her napkin and eat properly. During that time, Helen lost her temper, but Annie was determined to teach naughty Helen table (10)...... Amazingly, Helen soon learned many things through the careful guidance of Annie Sullivan, her mentor.

3. Viết lại câu:

In Whales we saw Edward II'S birthplace.

In Whales we saw the castle ....................